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Director of Career Services Krysti O'Rourke meets with Senior Business Major Kyree Sawyer

By Sean Lanigan with additional reporting by Jacob Bila

As college seniors prepare for graduation and the end of their college careers, their thoughts next turn to entering the "real world" in the strongest possible position. "The job competition will be stiff-this year’s graduates will have to compete, in many cases, with 2020 graduates who are still seeking their first-time job,"according to ABC News. Here at Five Towns College, the Career Services Center is running a senior bootcamp to help graduates be "Ready To Go."

Graduating seniors can complete these three steps to sharpen their job-hunting skills and receive a special Five Towns College "grad" hat.

  1. Attend a Career Bootcamp

  2. Attend a Career Networking Event

  3. Make an appointment with Career Services (career.services@ftc.edu)

So, get a step ahead on the competition and make those key connections right away. Krysti O’ Rourke, Director of the Career Services Center at Five Towns College, knows the amazing track record that events like these have in terms of helping Five Towns College students. "We are a valuable resource and have helped hundreds and hundreds of students and graduates get jobs and valuable opportunities for their careers," said O’Rourke.

Being a successful college student is not just about doing work inside of the classroom. You also have to take advantage of opportunities outside of the classroom to help you build your resume and prepare for job interviews in the virtual hiring world. According to the Wall Street Journal, any job interviews you have will likely take place over Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google Hangout.”

Many 2021 FTC graduates have already participated in the career series. Billo Anthony Taponga Gatzonis, a Mass Communications student at Five Towns College, has utilized the Career Services Center and is off to a great start in the job market:

"Networking opportunities through the school help you to meet new people that can potentially help you get a job in the future. I went to a career event and after introducing myself, they hired me for a position that same day."

Taponga Gatzonis isn’t the only Mass Communications student that sees the benefits of events like the Senior Boot Camp. Starr Fuentes, a fellow FTC Mass Communications Student also understands the value of reaching out to Career Services for guidance."Networking through the school is important because it gives the student credibility. If a student is recommended by the school, then it gives them a greater opportunity to be taken a little bit more seriously in the industry that they’re looking to work in," she said.

Theatre Major, Joel Weisstuch, is looking forward to participating in the career skill building process to learn how to "find jobs professionally."

The next Senior Job Search Boot Camps will take place on Friday May 28th, Friday June 4th, and Friday June 11th. Reach out to Careers Services for more details.

To the pending grads of Five Towns College, what are you waiting for? Go get your free hat and go get the job of your dreams.


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